Hand Rejuvenation

red bank, nj

Introduction to Hand Rejuvenation

You might spend a fortune keeping up your face, but your hands will immediately tell the story of your lived years. Just like any part of our body, our hands also age. However, they show more clearly because they carry less collagen and muscle volume, so the loss of fat over time shows more clearly, and they start looking thin, bony, and wrinkly. That is why many people practice exceptional hand skin care, and there are a plethora of creams and preserving beauty methods targeted towards the appearance of hands. But worry not! Dual board-certified aesthetics provider Dr. Mai Kaga is an expert in hand rejuvenation in Red Bank, NJ, at The Kaga Academy of Aesthetics & Concierge Medicine. 

The Kaga Academy is located in Red Bank, New Jersey, and conveniently sees hand rejuvenation patients from Colts Neck, Little Silver, Fair Haven, Rumson, and other surrounding areas. Whatever township, city, or county you’re coming from, we look forward to helping you achieve more youthful-looking hands.

A woman with long, blonde hair poses gracefully - Hand Rejuvenation in Red Bank, NJ

What is Hand Rejuvenation?

Your hands are a key to telling your age. However, hand rejuvenation is a non-invasive and temporary procedure to reverse the loss of collagen and fat volume in our hands. Dermal fillers are injected right under the skin into the collagen layer in your hands, which will enhance the remaining natural collagen. While the effects are instant, dermal fillers typically only last for a year at most, so you will need yearly touch-ups to maintain your new, younger hands.

Currently, the only dermal filler approved by the FDA to be used on the hands is Radiesses. This filler is broken down and absorbed by your body over time. As an added benefit, the procedure can help promote the natural production of collagen, which means you may need less filler for subsequent treatments. In addition, other fillers, such as Juvederm, can also be used, although they are listed as off-label. Dr. Kaga can help you decide what filler is best for you.

What Are the Benefits of Hand Rejuvenation?

Our patients who have received hand rejuvenation in Red Bank have shared some of the following benefits with us: 

  • Boost in self-esteem
  • Impermanent results
  • Increased volume
  • Increases skin tightness
  • Fewer wrinkles
  • Fewer blemishes and age spots
  • Matches facial age
  • No or low recovery time

Who Are the Best Candidates for Hand Rejuvenation?

The best candidates for a hand rejuvenation procedure will be those that have some of the following characteristics:

  • Have blemishes and spots
  • Have bony and wrinkly hands
  • Have loss of hand volume
  • Have sun damage
  • Self-conscious about the look of your hands 
  • No underlying medical conditions
  • Realistic expectations from the procedures
A woman lies on a bed with her arms extended, basking in the peaceful ambiance of her surroundings - Hand Rejuvenation in Red Bank, NJ

Let’s Get Started

What’s the First Step?

The first step in receiving a hand rejuvenation is to schedule a consultation with dual board-certified aesthetics provider Dr. Mai Kaga at her Red Bank, NJ practice. During your consultation, she will discuss your medical history, learn your goals, examine your hands, and give you a personal recommendation that will fit your specific needs. Dr. Kaga will also give you a detailed explanation of what you can expect during and after the procedure, so there will be no surprises at any point.

 After a consultation with Dr. Kaga, she will prescribe a treatment plan. You can take that plan to our patient coordinator and either schedule your hand rejuvenation before you walk out the door or schedule it for a later time.

What to Expect on the Day of Hand Rejuvenation

On the day of your hand rejuvenation, Dr. Kaga and her friendly staff will welcome you, make sure you are comfortable in the procedure room, and discuss the treatment plan with you again.  

The filler is injected directly underneath the skin to increase volume. This plumpness reduces the visibility of wrinkles, tendons, joints, and blood vessels. The dermal filler material is a synthetic gel that mimics the natural collagen in your hands. It also boosts the creation of your natural collagen.

The effects of a dermal filler are instant and will typically last six to 12 months. You will walk out the door with a minimal recovery period and immediate results.

Hand Rejuvenation Recovery

There is no downtime or recovery period with hand rejuvenation since it is a minimally invasive, non-surgical cosmetic procedure. While swelling, bruising, and mild tenderness may occur following your hand rejuvenation treatment, these symptoms typically subside independently after two to three days. Patients who come in for hand rejuvenation can resume work and their normal daily activities immediately following treatment.

Hand Rejuvenation Cost

How Much Does Hand Rejuvenation Cost in Red Bank, NJ?

If you are looking to reverse the aging in your hands, consider hand rejuvenation in Red Bank, NJ, at The Kaga Academy of Aesthetics & Concierge Medicine. We recommend you schedule a consultation with Dr. Kaga as soon as possible so that she can recommend a treatment plan, which you can then get priced by our patient coordinator.

Why Choose The Kaga Academy of Aesthetics & Concierge Medicine?

The Kaga Academy of Aesthetics & Concierge Medicine should be your go-to place for your Hand Rejuvenation in Red Bank, NJ. Dual Board Certified Aesthetics Provider Dr. Mai Kaga offers advanced non-surgical interventions to promote beauty & health using natural cosmetic techniques. She believes in providing a multi-modality approach to achieve the best, most natural results to enhance, not change, your beauty. Building a practice as a top injector, as well as offering the latest technology in lasers, radio-frequency & body contouring, Dr. Kaga leads The Kaga Academy as the premier medical aesthetics provider.

Dr. Kaga is a member of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAFE).

Dr.Kaga and her staff posing happily

Hand Rejuvenation FAQ’S

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Are you looking for a fast, affordable, and noninvasive solution to aging hands? If so, a hand rejuvenation from The Kaga Academy of Aesthetics & Concierge Medicine in Red Bank, NJ, could be the answer you’re looking for! Please call our office directly, and a helpful member of our team will assist you. You can also schedule a consultation on our website.

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